Portrait of the Norwegian Painter Kitty Kielland

Portrait of the Norwegian Painter Kitty Kielland

Together with Michael Ancher’s portrait of the writer Sophus Schandorph, this portrait is the oldest portrait in the portrait frieze. Both portraits were painted in Paris in 1889, when Anna and Michael Ancher stayed in the city. Kitty Kielland was a landscape painter, who lived for several years in Paris and was a part of the artist group that met frequently at the Café de la Régence.

The portrait wall consists of portraits of some of the artists, writers and friends who visited the Ancher family home. All the portraits were painted by Michael Ancher, with the exception of two portraits (Kitty Kielland and Georg Brandes). The portrait wall was inspired by the portrait frieze in Brøndum’s Dining Room and was probably a part of the interior decoration from around 1900. It has changed over the course of the years, and it is not known when the portraits were hung up in the current arrangement.

1859 - 1935