
Sketchbooks were important for the artists when travelling. With a small book in the pocket, they could make a quick drawing when they spotted a good motif. A sketchbook could be used to make a quick drawing and take it home – a bit like taking a snapshot with your mobile phone.

We can see from the sketchbooks that the Skagen painters made drawings of things they observed in nature and at home. Sometimes, they drew the same things time and time again to practice details – drawing hands, for example.


Holger Drachmann: Sketchbook Pages from London, Travemünde, Venice, Newhaven, and Elsewhere. 1875-77. Pencil, pen and watercolour.



Drawing Galore

Draw with pencils, Indian ink, charcoal, and pastel crayons

From beginner to master

Drawing practice

144 drawings!

Partying with a pencil

From idea to finished work



A masterly hand

Welcome to the Drawing Workshop!