
A monster caterpillar, a hero, or a frightening creature! The Skagen painters were good at using their imagination in their drawings. They knew both Greek and Norse mythology, and Helga Ancher was also inspired by wild tales from the world of opera.

Basically, they preferred to draw what they saw every day. They loved to study people and landscapes and to draw what they saw – in Skagen and when they travelled the world.

Sometimes, they drew fantasy motifs and used each other and local people as models, so that their drawings would still be as true to life as possible.

Drawings Galore, Arts Museums of Skagen
Helga Ancher: The Princess and the Dragon, 1921. Watercolour over pencil on paper. Laurits Tuxen: Susanna and the Elders. Study, 1877. Charcoal on paper. P.S. Krøyer: After Tizian’s ‘Tityus’. 1878. Pencil on paper. Laurits Tuxen: The Death of Eurydice, No year. Pastel on cardboard.


Drawing Galore

Draw with pencils, Indian ink, charcoal, and pastel crayons

From beginner to master

Drawing practice

144 drawings!


Partying with a pencil

From idea to finished work


A masterly hand

Welcome to the Drawing Workshop!