Michael Ancher at work in his Studio

Michael Ancher at work in his Studio

An ageing Michael Ancher is portrayed here in the process of his daily work. The studio still looks like it did at the time Ancher was alive, but one senses that more light came into the building then, which may be due to the sparseness of the vegetation and buildings in the 1920s. Today, the artist’s studio is quite dark, with its massive beamed ceiling contrasting with Anna’s studio, where the skylight casts a beautiful light. The two artists’ studios are a later addition to the old farmhouse, which was completed in 1913. Ancher had previously used the studio in the Garden House in Brøndum’s Hotel’s old garden, which he also continued to do in the final years of his life. The design of the studio being a kind of living room with the fireplace as a gathering place, is testament to the fact that it was also used to receive guests.

1859 - 1935